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August 01, 2023

Meet the Team Behind Your Cancer Care

You’ve probably never heard the names Annie Huang, Preethi Padmanaban, Shaina Charles, or Helen Bailey, but they’re all working behind-the-scenes to help cancer patients get the answers they need.

As members of the laboratory team at Exact Sciences, they process tumor specimens submitted for the Oncotype DX® breast cancer tests, which provide patients with personalized information about their cancer. These women and their colleagues don’t interact with the people they help or learn what happens after they receive a test result. But their job is crucial for patients anxiously awaiting news of whether they’ll need to undergo chemotherapy or wanting to understand their risk of recurrence.

While their tireless work isn’t always given the recognition it deserves, these professionals are proud of what they do, and they understand that the tests they’re processing aren’t just specimens: they’re people. When reflecting on the impact of her work, Charles says, “With cancer, there are a lot of ‘what-ifs’ but I feel like I’m helping get rid of some of those, and that feels amazing.”

Here's what happened when a cancer survivor went to the lab to meet the people behind her test results.