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Exact Sciences Laboratories Hits High Gear

This post is part of our #EXASIRDay series, which offers a behind-the-scenes look at the company as we approach our inaugural Investor & Analyst Day June 24-25. You can participate by tuning into our live webcast 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. CST on June 25 and following along with updates throughout the week on FacebookTwitter (hashtag: #EXASIRDay), and LinkedIn.

Several months into our launch of Cologuard, the demand for the noninvasive colon cancer screening test is fueling a need for increased space at Exact Sciences Laboratories.

The state-of-the-art lab, which is capable of processing more than 1 million tests a year, processes and tests Cologuard samples, and provides the result back to healthcare providers.

While the lab team stays busy processing samples, our in-house customer care center team works alongside them to make sure the stream of completed tests continued.

Our customer care associates answer questions about Cologuard kits, follow up with patients, and help physicians ensure that their patients are screened–and they’re available 24/7.

Exact Sciences Vice President of Clinical Laboratory Operations Ana Hooker comes from a clinical laboratory background, but also oversees customer care center operations at Exact Sciences due to the company's intense focus on patient compliance.

"The customer care center is critical to laboratory success," said Hooker. "Exceeding our goal of 70% patient compliance would be impossible without it."

Together, the customer care and laboratory teams make up Exact Sciences Laboratories, which completed processing for 11,000 tests in Q1 2015, up by 175% from the previous quarter. Exact Sciences expects that figure to rise by an additional 7,000 tests in Q2 2015.


This growth left Exact Sciences Laboratories, which is located near the company's headquarters in Madison, Wis., in need of more office and customer care center space.

In early June, Exact Sciences kicked off construction on a project that will move some of the lab's team, which is currently station on the first floor of the Badger Rd. location, to newly purchased space in the second story. The first floor will be remodeled to accommodate an expansion of the customer care center team and an expanded training area.

“Our laboratory is certainly equipped to keep up with the kind of order volume we're expecting in the coming months, but we needed more space for our customer care specialists,” said Hooker.

The expansion is scheduled to be completed later this summer.

Flip through the slideshow below to see photos of the construction project and our preparations for Investor & Analyst Day.

Topics: Exact Sciences News

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