Researchers Examining Links Between Colon Cancer, Obesity and Weight Loss

Two separate studies – one recently completed and one just underway – examine one of colon cancer’s most important risk factors: weight.

The first study, conducted by Michigan State researchers, showed men with large waistlines and high body mass index – measurements used to determine whether or not someone is obese or overweight – were much more likely to have develop colon polyps.

In studying 126 healthy, 48- to 65-year-old men that underwent colonoscopies, researchers found more obese participants were a whopping 6.5 times more likely to have three polyps than thinner men.

The other study is funded by the National Cancer Institute and focuses on weight loss in women who have already developed colon cancer.

Participants receive a free membership to a weight-loss facility and nutritional counseling, and researchers are hoping to learn how much the combination of physical activity and healthy eating habits can improve 10-year survival rates in women with colon cancer.

Studies have shown both regular exercise and healthy eating improve survival rates, but the two have never been studied together in this way.


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